Students from the Leadership Institute of South Puget Sound have launched a program to collect funds and items for needy families in Auburn.
The new program, Cash for Cleanliness, will collect toiletries and other sundries to be provided to those in need.
Cash donations now are being accepted at Top Food & Drug, located at 1702 Auburn Way N. and Sterling Savings Bank, located at 1261 Auburn Way N.
To better facilitate donations, a drop-off box recently was installed at Top Food & Drug.
The Auburn Food Bank Drop Box was a result of the institute’s efforts.
“When you think of the Auburn Food Bank, you think of food, but not of hygiene products,” said Matt DeKerrie, an institute member who was part of the project. “This is one way for the public to donate those items families need.”
Riggs, DeKerrie, DeNae McGee, Deanna Gatzer and Bruce Savoy were part of the institute’s project efforts.
Suggested items for donation are shampoo, conditioner, perfume, deodorant, soap and other personal hygiene products. Products will be given to needy families on a first-come, first-serve basis.
For more information on this program or to donate, contact Riggs at or the Auburn Food Bank at 253-833-8925.
The Leadership Institute of South Puget Sound is a structured, quality, tuition-based adult leadership development program, organized to prepare adults for future civic and business leadership positions. Leadership Institute is administered by the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Kent, Greater Renton and the Southwest King County Chambers of Commerce.
The Leadership Institute provides participants with awareness and understanding of the unique issues and challenges facing their region; refinement of their personal and public leadership style and skills; diverse contacts and an excellent communications network; and recognition for themselves and their organizations for addressing community needs.
The South Puget Sound institute network involves 28 individuals, 20 businesses and 13 area cities.
For more information, visit