Jet Cities chorus brings home honors

The Jet Cities Chorus captured several honors at the recent Sweet Adelines International’s North Pacific Region 13 competition held April 4 at the INB Center in Spokane.

The Federal Way-based group captured the Most Improved Chorus Award (with a 66-point improvement). The chorus also was named First Place Small Chorus and Second Place Regional Medalists.

Jet Cities finished only 21 points behind the winning chorus, and yet was less than half the size of the winning chapter.

Leading Jet Cities to victory was four-year director Teresa McCafferty, of Covington. This year, 28 of the 32-member chorus performed onstage and wowed the judges and audience with their creative and musical entertainment package.

Jet Cities Chorus is one of 14 (out of a total of 20) Sweet Adelines International choruses that participated

in the Region 13 competition. These choruses represent chapters in Washington, Idaho and Alaska.

Jet Cities Chorus members range in age from early-20s to their late-70s and are predominantly from the South

Sound area. The chorus holds weekly rehearsals on Monday in the choir room at Todd Beamer High School in Federal Way.

To learn more about Jet Cities Chorus, visit or contact Becki Hill at 253-735-2464 or

The chorus is a member and supporter of the Federal Way Coalition of the Performing Arts, and is sponsored in part by the City of Federal Way.