King County closes Flood Warning Center as rivers drop following heavy rain

The King County Flood Warning Center closed at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, after more than two days of around-the-clock operation to monitor flood flows on several rivers.

For the Reporter

The King County Flood Warning Center closed at 8 a.m. on Tuesday after more than two days of around-the-clock operation to monitor flood flows on several rivers.

The Flood Warning Center opened at 12:30 a.m. on Sunday in response to minor flooding on the Snoqualmie and Tolt rivers. Fueled by a powerful late-winter storm, the Snoqualmie, Tolt and Green rivers all reached Phase III flood alert levels, with moderate flooding along some stretches. Meanwhile the Cedar River reached a Phase II flood alert level, with minor flooding.

Flood Warning Center staff will continue to monitor stream gages and weather reports, and will provide updated information on river conditions as necessary. Real-time river level information is available online at

King County offers free access to KC Flood Alerts, an automated system that allows subscribers to receive customized alerts of potential flooding for any or all of King County’s six major river systems.

Immediate notifications about pending high water are sent to email, smart phone text or voicemail, providing subscribers with the maximum amount of warning about potential high water.

Find the KC Flood Alerts link at This website is a valuable preparedness resource, with all of the latest information about river levels and road conditions, plus weather reports and other critical links.