Lake Tapps Reservoir drawdown to begin Nov. 1

Cascade Water Alliance is updating the 2019 Lake Tapps reservoir drawdown.

To allow Pierce County to do upgrades to its bulkhead at North Tapps Park, Cascade will begin to actively lower the reservoir level on Friday, Nov. 1 to an approximate elevation of 538 feet, where the reservoir will stay until Dec. 26. Then the level will drop to about elevation 535’ for the remaining park project work, which should take about six weeks. The 2020 fill is anticipated to begin in mid-February.

As usual, residents should make appropriate decisions regarding watercraft and other property, but it is recommended that boats be out of the water before Friday, Nov. 1.

If residents are planning work on their property, this is a good time to obtain the appropriate, required permits and a Cascade license prior to beginning any work. Further, residents should keep in mind as they do work on their property, especially bulkheads, that Cascade has the authority to raise reservoir levels to elevation 543’ under current water rights, so any new or modified bulkheads should be built to at least elevation 544’. Cascade raises the reservoir to 543’ once a year for a day or so as a reminder.

For more information about Cascade and Lake Tapps visit and for information regarding licenses for project work visit