For the Reporter
A Lake View Elementary captured the silver medal at the King County Global Reading Grand Challenge on March 21 at the Bellevue Library.
The winning team was Fictional Book Investigators III.
Lake View team members including the captain, Brielle Sherling, and Jack McCabe, Joy Struchen, Jessie Tostenrude, Alex Craven, Lexie Koester, Kiersten Terwillegar and alternate Chloe Kittleson. The team reached the Grand Challenge and represented South King County by winning the school, school district and regional challenges.
Teams must demonstrate knowledge of 10 books chosen by KCLS librarians. A typical format consists of three rounds of eight questions. Questions are open-ended, fill-in-the-blank, true or false, or multiple choice. Teams are given time to confer and must come up with one answer for each question.
The Grand Challenge is three rounds of 10 questions.
The Lake View team was accompanied by its coach of 13 years, Lake View Elementary librarian Jan Millgard, and parent volunteers Bonnie Sherling and Dondi Koester.
Approximately 2,000 students from 63 schools in the KCLS region participated in the challenge. Lake View has participated for 13 years, making it to the Grand Challenge five times, winning first place once, second place three times and third place once.