Let’s protect our kids

Rep. Mark Hargrove says in his newsletter that Rep. Laurie Jenkins of the 27th District, judiciary committee chair, does not intend to schedule a hearing on HB 2529 addressing gender-specific restrooms.

Rep. Mark Hargrove says in his newsletter that Rep. Laurie Jenkins of the 27th District, judiciary committee chair, does not intend to schedule a hearing on HB 2529 addressing gender-specific restrooms.

I urge everyone to contact her and their representatives to support this bill to protect children in the state of Washington.

The Human Rights Commission’s action providing pedophiles and other sex offenders even greater opportunities than they currently enjoy to prey on society is little more than an act of complicity.

The state’s current failure to adequately supervise the offenders its releases is atrocious enough without this enhancing their current opportunities.

– Bob Zimmerman