Local farms, school districts team up for Taste Washington Day

The Auburn School District – in partnership with the Washington School Nutrition Association (WSNA) and the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) – celebrate Washington agriculture on Sept. 24 with Taste Washington Day.

The Auburn School District – in partnership with the Washington School Nutrition Association (WSNA) and the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) – celebrates Washington agriculture on Sept. 24 with Taste Washington Day.

Along with numerous other schools throughout the state, Auburn schools will serve locally-sourced meals to students and provide education and activities to celebrate the farms and farmers that feed us.

Auburn schools are working with local farmers to prepare for this day, and will provide students a great meal made with locally grown fruits and vegetables.

The day’s menu will include:

• Oven roasted chicken

• Washington roasted potatoes

• Washington apple slices

• Fresh fruit and vegetable salad bar

• Bread sticks/brownie

Taste Washington Day is an opportunity for students to try some of these seasonal foods grown by farmers in their own community.