Looking for Auburn’s Top Cat and Big Dog photo model

If you think your cat or dog is cute enough to be the City of Auburn's pet model of the year, enter the City's Top Cat & Big Dog Photo Model contest.

If you think your cat or dog is cute enough to be the City of Auburn’s pet model of the year, enter the City’s Top Cat & Big Dog Photo Model contest.

The free contest is designed to choose an Auburn cat and dog to represent the city in its animal services marketing material.

“We’ve been using stock photos to advertise our pet licensing and animal control program,” said Glenda Carino, City public affairs and marketing manager. “Instead, we want to use an Auburn cat and dog to appear in our ads, postcards and other marketing materials.”

The winners will take part in a professional photo shoot and receive copies of the photographs.

Cats and dogs – and their owners – must reside in Auburn. The pets must be licensed and remain licensed. They also must have up-to-date rabies shots. Click here to license your pet.

Contest submissions began at 8 a.m. today and end at midnight on April 15.

A team of animal lovers will make preliminary cuts, after which the top five cats and dogs will compete in an online “People’s Choice” contest between April 20 to midnight May 12.

Enter the contest at www.facebook.com/auburnpetpalooza beginning today.

The winning cat and dog will be announced on the main stage at Auburn’s Petpalooza on May 18.