Loss of our liberties

I am somewhat surprised and pleased to read conservative/libertarian letters in the opinion section. Well stated, Glenn Jenkins and Lynn Seegmiller. I would chance to say that they both had been putting off writing their letters up to the point of their utter disgust and frustration with the oncoming train wreck our elected politicians, through their ignorance and arrogance, are implementing.

I am somewhat surprised and pleased to read conservative/libertarian letters in the opinion section. Well stated, Glenn Jenkins and Lynn Seegmiller. I would chance to say that they both had been putting off writing their letters up to the point of their utter disgust and frustration with the oncoming train wreck our elected politicians, through their ignorance and arrogance, are implementing.

“Our” own local Auburn politicians are exhibiting the same oligarchical tendencies of federal and state authorities as stated by Seegmiller.

Permit me to cite a few examples of these tendencies as reported in the same March 12 issue of the Auburn Reporter. Elected Mayor Peter Lewis stated, regarding parking permit issues, “… the City is willing to make changes but will implement what the ADA board decides, not the complaints of disgruntled merchants.” And direct quote: “… When they come together and meet and decide as a board and write out a letter to the City that this is what they want that is exactly what we are going to do.”

Also remarks made by Lewis regarding the dismissal of lawsuit over excessive fines for red light camera tickets. The mayor states, “The Court agrees that the Code grants municipalities flexibility in determining fine levels, and that the fines are not excessive. Makes perfect sense to me.” (of course.) “Somebody asked me the other day what I thought about all these cities (Auburn) making so much money off it. My response was that was an issue brought up by a legislator seeking votes for reelection, and that I didn’t think (of course not) it was an issue (notice he didn’t answer the question). The numbers (what numbers?) show that we have saved (blessed be our saviors) lives, and we have reduced the threat (how does this get measured?) of injuries. That fund is being reinvested in the community, especially in traffic calming devices.” (i.e. vehicle damaging lumps of asphalt dumped in the middle of residential streets seen as the only recourse to protecting our lives from otherwise uncontrollable speed demons).

Have you noticed the spread of this messianic dementia demonstrated by the broad spectrum of our elected politicians? It isn’t about them saving us from ourselves; it is all about revenue and control. We are slowly but surely losing our liberties.

We do not have real leaders that serve and inspire us, instead we have politicians that want to control and take from us. We can no longer sit idly by and let our liberties continue to be corroded. Or maybe this is what we deserve as a result of our complacency and ignorance.

– William Riedel