For the Reporter
Mary Olson Farm is looking for volunteers who might enjoy sharing the restored, historic place with others.
The White River Valley Museum is recruiting volunteer tour guides in time to register for annual training session on Sept. 23 from 10 a.m. to noon. No special skills required, but volunteers with a knack for public speaking, a love for working with children and an ability to walk on uneven footing are preferred.
Each year about 2,500 students tour the award-winning historic farm, where they learn about where their food comes from and stream ecology. The farm is home to seven historic buildings, a 100-plus-year-old orchard, a salmon bearing stream, deeply forested hillsides and meadows cut for hay. The farm’s ponies, cows, chickens, goats and cats are on hand to interact with visitors.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Janet Wells, volunteer coordinator at 253-804-5010 or by Sept. 19.