Outsourcing our court services is a bad idea

When is water service like court services? When Auburn residents can't complain to the City about them.

When is water service like court services? When Auburn residents can’t complain to the City about them.

When I lost water service I found out that I needed to contact the City of Bonney Lake. Soon I may need to contact King County District Court if I have a complaint about the City court. In other words, the City of Auburn is farming out its responsibilities and thus, its sovereignty.

The voters are losing their voices because Auburn authorities are not the folks to call.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe our City leaders are seeking a cost-efficient solution. But democracy doesn’t come cheap. Ask any veteran or family of a lost veteran.

Using the analogy that we move everything up to the county, begs one question: Why not unincorporate and just use the county executive?

Moving the court services is not a good idea.

– John Torres, attorney at law