The City of Pacific candidates forum is Oct. 13 at the all-purpose gymnasium, 100 3rd Ave. SE, Pacific. The public is invited.
Citizens of the City of Pacific are sponsoring the 2011 Election for Pacific Voters Information Night – Candidate Question and Answer Forum. The debate runs from 7:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.
Two-term Mayor Richard Hildreth faces challenger John Jones, the City Council president. Kevin Cline is challenging incumbent Joshua Putnam for Council position No. 6.
The other five City Councilmembers are scheduled to appear. Gary Hulsey and Clinton Steiger are running unopposed. Leanne Guier, James McMahan and Tren Walker are not up for reelection.
Volunteers are needed to help set up and take down chairs and cleanup. Community service hours for high school students can be arranged. Volunteers can call Jeanne Fancher at 253-833-0977 or email
For more information or to submit questions for council and mayor candidates, go to (no “e” in tumblr).