Terry Home, Inc., a boarding home for young adult survivors of traumatic brain injury, recently announced its plan to transform the property’s existing stormwater pond into a Boggy Garden.
The soon-to-be beautiful outdoor space will serve as a serene natural vista for Terry Home residents, their visitors and Pacific community members. Terry Home is seeking community support to complete the project.
A planting party is set for 9 a.m. June 26 at the garden, located at 138 3rd Ave. SW, Pacific.
The project is being spearheaded by the Friends of the Lower White River, which secured a grant from the Puget Sound Partnership to cover a portion of the project’s design and materials costs. Terry Home is asking residents to help create the Boggy Garden by donating their time, materials, equipment or money.
The needed plants are those that thrive in the wet environment and are native to the area, requiring little maintenance after a couple years. Eventually they will provide a beautiful landscape for the residents and community to enjoy and also will treat the water runoff before it reaches the storm water drains.
Individuals interesting in supporting the project, please contact Leanne Guier at 253-921-1579 or fitterqueen@msn.com.
About Terry Home, Inc.
Terry Home, Inc. is a boarding home for young adult survivors of traumatic brain injury, located in Pacific. The home provides residents with the opportunity to work toward a more independent lifestyle through structured programs and activities centered on strengthening daily living skills. Terry Home works daily to promote purpose, privacy, and independence for each person in a comfortable, home-like atmosphere. For information about Terry Home and its residents, visit www.terryhomeinc.org.