Panel to hold forum on flood mitigation for area rivers

The Puyallup River Watershed Council forum is Wednesday from 5-7 p.m. at the Sumner City Hall Council Chambers, 1104 Maple St.

The forum will focus on the work Pierce County Surface Water Management is doing on the development of the Pierce County Rivers Flood Hazard Management Plan.

Also, Jeanne Stypula with King County will talk about the White River (county line) acquisition and levee setback project. The project is a combination of property acquisition, levee modification and floodplain restoration along the left bank of the White River between the A Street and 8th Street bridges in the cities of Pacific and Sumner. The goals of the project are to restore riverine processes and functions while reducing flood risks, and achieve these goals in a cost-effective manner.

In addition to discussion of the key elements of the hazard management plan, the forum will include the stakeholder advisory committee process and opportunities for public input.

The plan will identify and recommend regional public policies, programs and projects to reduce risks to public health welfare and safety as well as property damage from major river flooding and channel migration. It also will address the maintenance or improvement of aquatic habitat conditions. Lorin Reinelt, project manager, will lead the discussion.

There will be opportunities for public input, and everyone is welcome.

For more information, please call 253-798-6793 or e-mail Roy at