Pawn shop robbed by man with hammer | Auburn police blotter

From the Auburn police log

Pawn shop robbery

Auburn police responded on June 19 after receiving a report at approximately 11:57 p.m. regarding a robbery involving a weapon in the 2300 block of Auburn Way South. The robbery occurred approximately 30 minutes prior to the report. According to the department’s public information log, a pawn shop was robbed by a man wielding a hammer. A $1,000 display case was damaged in the incident, with the suspect stealing approximately $2,000 in jewelry. The log provided no information regarding the suspect’s identity.

Cannabis plants stolen

Auburn police were dispatched on June 20 after receiving a report at approximately 3:07 a.m. regarding a robbery involving a firearm in the 3900 block of B Street Northwest. According to the department’s public information log, 100 cannabis plants, valued at $10,000, were stolen in the incident, in addition to a 2012 Porsche Cayenne. The incident involved three victims. The log neither listed nor identified any suspect(s) in the incident.

Drive-by shooting

Auburn police responded on June 18 after receiving a report at approximately 6 a.m. regarding a weapons offense at an apartment complex in the 400 block of 21st Street Southeast. According to the department’s public information log, the incident was a drive-by shooting with multiple victims. The log listed an additional weapons offense incident linked to the apartment complex shooting. Auburn police collected 37 shell casings and multiple bullets as evidence in the incident.