Redistricting commission offers public forum in Auburn on Tuesday

The Washington State Redistricting Commission hosts a public forum in Auburn on Tuesday, June 14, to hear how the public thinks the new lines for legislative and Congressional voting districts should be drawn.

The Washington State Redistricting Commission hosts a public forum in Auburn on Tuesday to hear how the public thinks the new lines for legislative and Congressional voting districts should be drawn.

An open house begins at 6 p.m. in the St. Helens/Olympus/Baker Rooms at Green River Community College, 12401 SE 320th St., Auburn.

Public comment starts at 7.

Legislative and Congressional redistricting happens just once every 10 years, following the U.S. Census. Washington is gaining another seat in Congress, which means the state has to draw a new Congressional district.

The public is invited to the forum to learn more and discuss the new voting districts.

For more information or webcast instructions, please visit

For those who want to attend the forum and need auxiliary aids or services, please contact Heather Boe at 360-786-0770.