Rep. Dave Reichert makes plea on Pacific’s behalf

Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Auburn) has sent a letter to Cities Insurance Association of Washington (CIAW) Chairman Wes Drago, asking for an extension of Pacific's insurance coverage. "I am asking for you to grant a six month extension of the decision to cancel the liability insurance at the end of the year," Reichert wrote in a letter dated Dec. 7.

Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Auburn) has sent a letter to Cities Insurance Association of Washington (CIAW) Chairman Wes Drago, asking for an extension of Pacific’s insurance coverage.

“I am asking for you to grant a six-month extension of the decision to cancel the liability insurance at the end of the year,” Reichert wrote in a letter dated Dec. 7.

In July, the CIAW informed the City of Pacific that its insurance coverage would be cancelled on Dec. 31 if significant changes were not made by the City’s administration, including hiring for vacant City department head positions, to minimize the risk of liability. Although several positions have been filled, the City is facing more than $10 million in lawsuits from former employees.

Mayor Cy Sun fired many of the City’s department heads in his first year in office.

The Pacific City Council is weighing its options, including possibly disincorporating or annexing into the city of Auburn, should its insurance get cancelled.

Reichert wrote the letter – which arrived in time to be reviewed by the CIAW before its meeting today to consider extending Pacific’s coverage – at the request of members of the Committee to Recall Cy Sun.

“There is a movement among a group of citizens and business owners to recall the current mayor,” Reichert wrote in his plea. “I was informed that their recall petition s currently scheduled to be heard by the State Supreme Court the last week in January.

“An extension would allow time for the citizens of Pacific to choose anyone of the above options and move forward.”

The City of Pacific becomes part of Reichert’s Eight Congressional District on Jan. 1.

