State Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, on Thursday introduced legislation that would repeal a host of state laws he sees as unnecessary, redundant or wasteful.
When Fortunato was appointed to the Senate on Jan. 7, he listed his top legislative priority as protecting the taxpayer and the American worker. This is the first in a series of bills Fortunato will sponsor aimed at eliminating unnecessary laws and regulations.
“The most common statement my constituents make is ‘we just have too many laws’, and I agree” said Fortunato, who succeeded Pam Roach, longtime Senator of District 31, who was elected to the Pierce County Council. “While other legislators talk about how many laws they pass, I am focused on repealing the unnecessary and wasteful laws that already exist.”
SB 5316 will repeal specific statutory tasks that have been completed or statutory authority that has not been used. The bill also would remove unnecessary language from the state code, making the laws that already exist easier for the public to understand.
“My top priority this session is protecting the Washington taxpayer,” Fortunato said. “Repealing costly and unnecessary state laws is a good first step.”