Auburn volunteers have handmade more than 3,500 quilts over the past five years and delivered them to many organizations and families in need.
It’s all part of a project called Sew Much Love, sponsored by the Auburn congregations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The group has made quilts and given them to LifeCenter Northwest Organ Donors, Harborview Pediatric Critical Care Unit, the Auburn Food Bank & Homeless Shelter, and veterans organizations and domestic violence shelters.
Anyone is welcome to join the weekly quilt making at the church, 1820 F. St. SE, Auburn on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. until noon.
Volunteers gather to cut, sew and tie quilts. They are delivered regularly to the partnering organizations to provide comfort to children in critical care, or to families who are faced with the heart-wrenching decision of allowing their child to be an organ donor.
Some stats from Sew Much Love this year:
• Approximately 3,000 service hours were rendered in conjunction with the project;
• 300 total quilts were completed and donated this year;
• 247 quilts were made and donated to Harborview Critical Care Unit and members of the Auburn community;
• 40 quilts were made and donated to Donor Quilts to Life Center NW;
• 10 heavy-duty quilts were made specifically for the homeless and veterans and donated to the Auburn Food Bank;
• 3 queen-size quilts were hand quilted and given away;
• 20 plastic bag mats were crocheted and donated to the Auburn Food Bank for the homeless;
• 1,560 hygiene kits were created (includes basics like toothpaste/toothbrush, soap, washcloths): donations collected and kits assembled and delivered to the Auburn Food Bank on a weekly basis;
• 40 pillows were made and stuffed and donated to the Auburn Food Bank for the homeless;
• And 10 women took a basic sewing class offered for free on Tuesdays and learned to sew.