Some streets were never repaired

I agree with recent letters in regard to Save Our Streets.

I agree with recent letters in regard to Save Our Streets.

I too plan to vote no, not only because of another bond to vote on, but because H Street Southeast between 17th and 21st Street Southeast was to be repaired long ago.

At a neighborhood meeting in 2008 with the mayor, he said H Street would be repaired in 2009 or 2010. Some holes were patched but that did little good. The road remains a mess.

School buses use this street twice a day, dropping off and picking up kids at Olympic Middle School.

I looked at the map to see which roads were scheduled for Phase 1 and drove down a couple of streets, both H and J streets between 4th and 2nd Avenue Southeast. Yes, they need repairs, but only one car can drive down the street at a time since parked cars take up a big part of the streets.

These streets are not roads with heavy traffic use.

I also sent an email to one of the “committee” members asking about our street. The reply was that it is not known when it will be repaired.

I suggest before anyone votes, they take a good look at the website to see the streets scheduled for repaving and drive down a couple of them. Maybe you too will vote no.

– Becky Prenovost