‘SYL’ Foundation offering scholarships to graduating seniors

The "See You Later" Foundation is offering Scott Banke Memorial Scholarships to four Auburn high schools graduating seniors this year.

For the Reporter

The “See You Later” Foundation is offering Scott Banke Memorial Scholarships to four Auburn high schools graduating seniors this year.

Graduating seniors must complete an online application and submit a letter of reference for the $1,500 scholarship. Students who are registered and scheduled to graduate from an Auburn high school or reside in Auburn and attend another public or privately accredited high school (includes home school) are eligible.

Applications are being accepted Feb. 1 to March 31.

The “See Ya Later” Scholarship Committee will review all applications and letters and narrow down the candidates field to 12. The finalists will be notified and interviews will be held in April and May at the Lakeland Hills Community Center, 5801 Lakeland Hills Way.

All awards are one-time only and will be sent directly to the educational institution once the student has been accepted and enrolled.

Candidates must articulate how they: exemplify kindness and compassion for others; have plans for continuing education; and demonstrate commitment to community.

Please submit at least one letter of recommendation to info@SeeYaLater.org and ensure that your full name and school are included with each letter. Letters must be received by March 31. Applications submitted without a letter of recommendation will not be considered.

To date, the foundation has provided more than $112,000 in scholarships in Washington and Oregon.

Past winners include: 2013, Elena Marquez (Auburn); L.J. Elliot (Auburn Mountainview); Griffen Lamb (Mountainview); 2014, Amy Cheng (Auburn Mountainview); Drew Wallen (Auburn Riverside); Carter Harms (Auburn Mountainview); 2015, Riley Loeks (Auburn); Summer Ramirez (Auburn Riverside); Madison Lancaster (Auburn Riverside); and Lindsey Sanborn (Auburn Riverside).

Applications will be accepted by the student, online only. To apply, please visit www.SeeYaLater.org.

For more information, contact Alissa at Alissa@seeyalater.org.