Trillium Employment Services honors employers

During National Disability Employment Awareness Month, local nonprofit Trillium Employment Services recognized several employers who place great importance on hiring and employing people with intellectual and developmental disability.

The winners were selected from counties in the Puget Sound area, King, Pierce and Kitsap. Each of the awards highlighted specific themes, the Best New Inclusive Employer, the Most Inclusive Workplace, and the Most Active Advocate.

For some employers, hiring their first supported employee can be a bit intimidating. However, nearly all of them quickly realize and celebrate the contributions and benefits. Some can’t wait to hire another, tell their peers about supported employment, or increase the hours and duties of their employee as soon as possible. The winners of the 2016 Best New Inclusive Employer are Bill Korum’s Puyallup Nissan (Pierce County), Town & Country Market (Kitsap County), and Inspired Results (King County).

When it comes to fostering a healthy workplace environment, some employers take great consideration into the abilities, needs and cultures of their employees. These employers take action, and see to it that their employees feel welcome, included, and valuable. The winners of the 2016 Most Inclusive Workplace are Gordon Family YMCA (Pierce), SEEfilm Bremerton (Kitsap), and Panera Bread (King).

One of the most effective means to help businesses overcome concerns about supported employment is to hear how it works from their peers. Several of the employers that partner with Trillium are happy to share their experiences and how it has benefited their business, often in unexpected ways. The winners of the Most Active Advocate are Jimmy Johns (Pierce), Catie’s Creations (Kitsap), and Azteca Mexican Restaurants (King). These employers have encouraged other businesses to consider how supported employment can help their company achieve their goals.

Trillium Employment Services is very pleased to announce these award winners and thanks them for all they do for their supported employees and building an inclusive workforce.