Video, online voters guides available

The 2013 General Election Video Voters' Guide is now available.

The  2013 General Election Video Voters’ Guide is now available.

Jointly produced  by our Elections Division and TVW, the video guide includes information about Initiative 517 (dealing with initiatives and referenda) and I-522 (labeling of genetically engineered foods), as well as video statements by a proponent and opponent of each measure.

The online Voters’ Guide for the General Election is available on the Elections Division homepage ( It includes helpful information on I-517 and I-522, Advisory Vote 3 through 7, special Senate races in the 7th, 8th and 26th districts, and two multi-county Court of Appeals races.

You can log onto MyVote for voter info or to register to vote or update your registration. Oct. 7 is the deadline for online registration or updates before this fall’s General Election.

The print version of the statewide Voters’ Pamphlet will be mailed to each household in mid-October, about the same time ballots go out.

Check out this link for a blog post about the two guides being available.