VRFA hosts second annual Scout Night on Oct. 26

The Valley Regional Fire Authority hosts the second annual Scout Night at Fire Station 33 on Oct. 26.

The Valley Regional Fire Authority hosts the second annual Scout Night at Fire Station 33 on Oct. 26.

Boy and Girl Scouts from the Auburn, Pacific and Algona area are invited to join firefighters from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the station, 182 Ave. E, Auburn.

Scouts can a tour the fire station and learn fire safety lessons, basic first aid training, pet first aid, knot tying and information on how to prepare for a disaster.

Scouts will attend seven learning stations where they will discover how to make their homes safe, how to change the batteries and test smoke alarms, how to treat minor injuries and learn how to design a home escape plan.

They also will have the opportunity to learn emergency preparedness for individuals and families, see firsthand the tools and equipment used by firefighters and learn more about careers in the fire service.

New this year are the knot tying and pet first aid learning stations.

The VRFA receives dozens of requests for station tours from local scouting groups during the year. Consolidating the needs of the scouts into a single event has proven to be a better experience for the boys and girls and VRFA staff.

“Scout Night offers a more in-depth learning experience for the scouts, combined with a fun evening at the fire station,” said Deputy Fire Chief Mike Gerber.

The event is open to scout groups and other youth explorer and adventure groups. Please register in advance for the event by contacting Public Information & Education Officers Kelly Williams at 253-288-5882 or Kimberly McDonald at 253-288-5881 or by email at Public.Info@vrfa.org.

Williams and McDonald are available to provide additional information and answer questions.