The Valley Regional Fire Authority (VRFA) recently recognized volunteer Barbara Saelid for 17 years of dedicated service to the legacy Auburn Fire Department and the VRFA.
Saelid began volunteering under former Auburn Fire Department Chief Bob Johnson and helped with many administrative tasks, including sorting reports and counting and separating school flyers. She became a vital part of the Technical Services Division of the VRFA, saving staff many hours. Saelid not only visited weekly to give of her time, she also attended and assisted at many fire department events.
“The assistance Barbara provided over the nearly two decades was critically important to our organization, as well as the citizens who benefited from her dedicated work and excellent organizational skills,” said VRFA Administrator Eric Robertson. “As an added bonus, we enjoyed a wonderful woman who brightened our entire office.”
In addition to her service with the VRFA, Saelid has given volunteer time to many other local organizations, including the Auburn Senior Activity Center, White River Valley Museum and Auburn Valley Humane Society.