Walk across America

Update on Auburn’s ‘Pacin Parson’

Update on Auburn’s ‘Pacin Parson’

Auburn’s Don Stevenson is walking 13,000 miles to raise awareness and funds for Huntington’s disease (HD), a progressively degenerative brain disorder.

He left Seattle on April 26 to complete the final 3,000-mile leg to New York City. His wife, Loretta, is driving a support van.

Stevenson is a Christian author, former teacher, pastor, volunteer firefighter, truck driver and Marine. After retiring in 1994, he devoted his time to writing – and walking. He has logged more than 33,000 miles of walking for various charities since 1998.

• Start: Space Needle,

Seattle, April 26

• Finish: New York City’s Empire State Building, Sept. 15.

• As of Friday: Well ahead

of schedule, Don was following along Highway 46 en route

to Jersey City, N.J., just

across the Hudson River

from New York City.

• Quotable: “Been fine … the body is holding up real fine. I’m on my sixth pair of shoes.”

• Miscellaneous: Don has collected several hundred pennies, dimes, nickels and quarters on his walk across the country. “I even have enough tools to start a hardware store,” he said. “It’s amazing what people lose out of their cars and trucks.” … Before entering Pennsylvania, Don detoured back to Indiana to participate in an Huntington’s disease awareness event. … So far, Don’s walk has raised more than $12,000

for Huntington’s disease. He hopes to reach

the $20,000 goal by Sept. 15.

• On deck: Don plans to participate in the Sept. 14 Team Hope Walk for the Cure Walkathon to the New Haven (Conn.) Harbor Lighthouse. That evening, at New York’s Greenwich Village, Mike McCready (Pearl Jam lead guitarist) and Hank Williams Band will conduct a benefit concert, with proceeds benefitting the HDSA. The next morning, Don will cross the George Washington Bridge, march through Manhattan and arrive at The Empire State Building for a

9 a.m. ceremony at the HDSA headquarters.

For regular updates on Don’s travels, visit pacinparson.org

To contribute to HD Society of America, please call 206-464-9598, or send your check to: HD Society of America, (Code #070TH03), P.O. Box 33345, Seattle, WA 98133. Please indicate the contribution is for the “13,000-mile Park Walk.”