I have not had to water my yard this summer except for very little, yet my current bill from the City is $95.
Give me a break.
Next to natural gas, water is one of our most plentiful resources. I don’t care what Pete Lewis has said about maintenance costs, I think he’s all wet. He is spending our money on much more than just maintaining the pipes and pumping systems.
What is he actually spending our money on? He needs to be accountable to me and all the residents of Auburn. He needs to give back some of his exorbitant salary and quit taking trips and eating meals on the City’s dime. Maybe Mayor Lewis, City Council members and department heads need to start disclosing all of the perks they get and have been getting for years.
Mayor Lewis spends our money on foolish, ridiculous things. Like the water feature at City Hall is benefitting anyone. Again, give me a break.
I want to see water bills reduced. I want some justice.
– Jeanne Herold