White River Valley Museum seeking items from ’50s, ’60s for next exhibit

The exhibit, "Grease is the Word," will focus on the 1950s and 60s car culture in Auburn.

A juke box, a record player, a flashy painted car hood or other parts, a car bench seat.

What do these things have in common? Well, they are memorabilia the White River Museum doesn’t have but “most desperately needs” for its next exhibit, “Grease Was the Word”, said Museum Director Patricia Cosgrove.

The exhibit, now in the planning stages, will focus on the 1950s and ’60s car culture in Auburn.

“For it, we need to locate a number of items that we just don’t own. We do not necessarily need donations, loans would do as well,” Cosgrove said.

Here are some of the other items needed:

• Elvis poster, record cover

• Beatles poster, record cover

• Shangri-Las poster, record cover

• Supremes poster/record cover

• A radio

• Stack of 45s

• Class rings

• Any memorabilia from non-Gearlords car clubs

All items must be identified by mid-June.

For additional information, contact Cosgrove at the museum, 918 H St. SE, call her at 253-288-7437 or fax her at 253-931-3098.