Feeling an urge to talk

I am feeling under-educated about race relations. I also admit I live in a very "white" circle.

I am feeling under-educated about race relations. I also admit I live in a very “white” circle.

I understand this is a deep and broad topic. After really seeing what is going on in the U.S. – politics, shootings, revenge shootings and protests – I find that I truly struggle to see what I can do to help improve the situation, I want to help and I would like to listen to, or even participate in the “conversation” everybody is saying needs to happen.

Are there local discussions going on?

I don’t want to be lectured to. I don’t want somebody to demand I change or force change. I would like a civil discussion with facts, not sound bites.

I consider myself a world traveler and a student of intercultural communications. I feel I have a pretty open mind; however, I can see some bias in some of my thoughts and initial impressions, and I would like to change this.

Is there a conversation, group, meet-up out there?

– Dave Glowen