I really enjoy the way your writer puts together for the police and fire call blotter. I actually look forward to reading these comments each week. Whoever does this is doing a great job.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan.
On the way to the Washington Coast to begin her summer vacation, Dorin Meinhart stopped off for gas.
In our modern day swirl of crime stories, grim and grimmer economic news, nasty political races and miserable local pro and college sports teams – it would seem difficult to find many signs of solace.
She is 15 years old. She is a mother of newborn twins.
Initiative mogul Tim Eyman says that his new ballot measure, I-985, is all about fixing traffic congestion. But unlike, say, meat, there is no U.S.D.A. inspection for ballot initiatives. Initiatives’ marketing claims aren’t monitored by the Better Business Bureau. No truth-in-advertising restraints apply.
Kristin Kennell argues for Initiative 1000 from a number of mistaken viewpoints (Auburn Reporter, Oct. 1).
Will the new owners of Chicago Willy’s restaurant on Auburn Way North please paint a more appropriate color. They are attracting attention, which I assume is what they wanted, but it is very negative attention.
After watching the recent Dave Reichert-Darcy Burner debate, I was struck by the attitude of both incumbent and challenger.
I am puzzled at how, after Auburn native Chris Gregoire was elected, Republican Dino Rossi hid, only to resurface earlier this year to run again for governor.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan.
I attended the Oct. 6 Auburn City Council meeting with the intention of informing the public of future lane-mile restrictions and the problems of wholesale residential development of the Auburn downtown city center.
All of us eventually grapple with the ethics, morality and compassion surrounding the end of someone’s life. Usually someone we love. Here’s my story.
Cascade Water Alliance represents Bellevue, Redmond and other Eastside communities for the purpose of supplying water to that area.
When I was a teenager, I remember watching TV at Dean Cartmill’s house.
At the request of 28 suburban cities and in a strong show of solidarity, the Board of Directors of the Suburban Cities Association has voted unanimously to oppose I-985, the latest initiative sponsored by Tim Eyman.
When one brings up the notion of sustainability, immediately you can almost sense the reaction from people wary of environmental extremism. How do HUMANS fit in to this idea?
King County is facing the largest budget shortfall in its history. As the budget leadership team for the King County Council we believe there are several belt-tightening moves we can take now to help close that gap – the same tough choices that are being made by millions of households nationwide.
Auburn is being discovered after 30 years of work.
In the early 1980s, the Chamber of Commerce and a group that led to the development of the Auburn Downtown Association was working on an economic development effort focusing on Auburn’s downtown. That effort was adopted in full by the City of Auburn in 2001 as the citizens’ 2001 Auburn Downtown Plan.