Auburn Mountainview girls soccer preps for new season

Lions will have four freshmen on varsity roster, ready to build on 2023 district appearance.

Auburn Mountainview’s boys soccer team went on a historic run, making the 2023 state semifinal. As the girls’ season gets underway, this group of girls is looking to back up their boys team with a solid season of their own.

“It is definitely a motivating factor,” said sophomore defender Laura Hamell.

It is not going to be easy. The Lions graduated six seniors last season and lost one who would be a top player in the NPSL, Keirah Hope, to a professional contract in Mexico. This year, the Lions are relying on leadership by committee to get on track.

“We have some natural leaders on the team when it comes to bringing the girls together,” coach Joey West said. “I am excited to see who steps up on the field of play.”

The Lion girls do have some reinforcements coming in the form of a solid freshman class. West was giddy when he was talking about the prospect of having four freshmen getting serious minutes.

“We have four freshmen on varsity to start the season…We have some freshmen that are just tough kids,” West said.

West also has some much-needed aid and support this season in the form of a legit assistant coach, Rick Lane. Not only has Lane helped tactically with the girls, but also gives West more time to focus on really getting to know his players.

“It frees me up to focus on relationship aspects of soccer and making sure all the girls focus on chemistry… It is really helpful,” West said.

From a player’s perspective, having Lane as that second voice gives a deeper level of understanding.

“When you hear the same voice, sometimes you don’t process it that quickly… But when you hear a new voice or perspective, something clicks. Just having a new person to connect to is great as well,” said Hamell.

The Lions’ 16-game season starts on Sept. 9 against White River at home. Every game the Lions play this year will be a league game, as they play all eight schools in the 3A NPSL twice.

West is taking a lesson from the boys team’s season a year ago and applying it to his girls’ season — a mantra that also is prevalent in all pro sports as well: doesn’t matter how good or bad your regular season was, just get to the playoffs.

“This is a marathon. In the past years we have been burnt out by the end of the season,” West said.

As a defender, Hamell is tasked with a lot of responsibility. Her teammate Camryn Singer, who is in her junior year, is taking on some of that responsibility.

“She has been doing really good in the middle. Last year, seeing her continue to work and fighting, I was like ‘oh you’re cool, I want to keep playing with you,’” Hamell said.

One of those 16 league games that West is personally looking forward to is the Sept. 19 match against Enumclaw on the road at Pete’s Pool.

“I love that rivalry with Enumclaw. There is something special about going out there. You know it is going to be physical and come down to the last minute. They are battlers,” West said.

Laura Hamell controls the ball at practice for Auburn Mountainview. Ben Ray / The Reporter

Laura Hamell controls the ball at practice for Auburn Mountainview. Ben Ray / The Reporter